Being gentle to me, this past month, as been a lot about going with the flow.
It’s summertime.
There’s less assignments from clients.
Kids are off from school.
So I am doing that which I feel like doing, and not doing the rest.
Going on short excursions, overnight or just for the day.
Reading books I want to read – so I am. Loads of them! Going for walks I want to take – so I do. Same with the occasional run.
Haven’t felt like blogging this past week – so I haven’t. Before that, I did, daily.
Borrowed a steamer and got rid of the (very ugly) paper border in the dining room, that we just never got around to removing before. That was satisfyingly hard work, as was the hedge trimming (more like a massacre really) I did together with the neighbors.
Brought the guitar with me to my mom’s place, but have only played once so far. Will simply add dates at the end of my original 60 day-streak to make up for not playing daily.
Not putting any guilt trips on me, for that which I’m avoiding. I just am. Same goes with that which I am doing. I just am.
Welcome to my writings, where the underlying tone centers around being gentle to oneself. I reflect on a monthly basis on what that means to me, in the moment, and this is one of those reflections. I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please subscribe to updates so you won’t miss out on future reflections.