Facebook. My personal profile. Stories. My page for #tankespjärn. Groups I am a part of?
Instagram. Stories.


So many places. So much opportunity.
My presence there, who is it for? For me? For you?
If the answer to the first is No, then I sincerely doubt the answer to the latter question could be Yes.
I have to be there. In spirit. In person. With me. Open. Honest. Wholehearted.

That’s why I don’t do Twitter anymore.
Or, more to the point, I left without closing my account, and now the only thing Twitter does is cross-post the URL of my blog posts. (Had to check, only the Swedish ones.) With just shy of 4000 followers, somehow it irked me to close the account… but now? I might as well, honestly. Because I am so not there. Not in spirit. Not in person.

I haven’t given LinkedIn a proper chance. Not yet. Should I? Should I refrain? And don’t even get me started on the fact that I could (should?) set up an English profile there, besides the Swedish one, a feature I know they rolled out a while back…
And Instagram. No. Not really gone for it properly there either. Same questions apply.

My intention for the past ten years has been to make a positive imprint. So I do my best to curate what I share, how I share, how I show up, what I respond to and how, what my tone is. And yes. That’s a big part of my decision to break up with Twitter. But the question is, given where I am right now, what do I share, when and where?

…to be continued.

But I am curious.
Where are you to be found online? Truly, you, your presence? And why? Why have you set up your chosen online-presence the way it is?

#tankespjärn, for those who wish to discover. More. Other. New.