The Creative’s Workshop has been a truly transformative experience, partaking in something like this, especially during the times we are living in–the workshop started beginning of February 2020, just before COVID-19 and the Coronavirus-pandemic sort of became a reality for us all–feels like a meant-to-be-moment in my life.
As the workshop is coming to an end, many of us are reluctant to let go, a reluctance akin to that which I believe humans feel upon leaving the womb. It’s been nourishing and sheltered and has felt very safe and loving, and yet… outside, that’s where everything learned from within the bubble is to manifest. Because we do live in a world of form, a physical world, putting ourselves out there is of importance. That’s how we seed generosity, that’s how we share of ourselves, our fears and favorites, our mishaps and major wins, our questions, insights and creative outputs.
The very final Open Mic, organized by one of the groups created within the workshop, has a record turn-out, and even though I’ve only understood the beauty of the Open Mic these past 4-5 weeks, participating in them has been one of many highlights of my TCW-exploration.
So I want to share a bit of the glory of TCW with you, the out there-part of the world.
Here’s a new take on Arlette Manassehs limerick, put into visuals by Manu Satsangi:
Timmy Riordan sang the most beautiful song for us: Lean into Me
Laura Tucker of the Free your inner guru-podcast shared a bit of her experience recording an episode with Charles Wilson, which can be found here: Music is Medicine
Jayashree Krishnan, who painted Pop the cat for me, painted a smashing portrait of Seth Godin (who’s the man behind the Akimbo workshops, along with a crew of skilled professionals and coaches!) during the Open Mic, who’s also got a GoFundMe-project for a series of watercolors on care-workers that she’s been sharing within and without TCW. Please check it out, fund it, and share the word!
And then there was Isabel Núñez Cortés sharing a piece of her music, from a scoring competition she’s participating in. My take, listening to the music while watching the video was: But… What? This i s n ‘ t the real score for this video? It sounds just like it’s supposed to!
I could go on, given the fact that there were 20+ people on the celebratory final OM, but… I won’t. Or. I might… in the future. But not now. I think you’ve already gotten enough to go around for a long time (cuz I am totally counting on y’all to click and view and listen and share and subscribe and fund and seed generosity in any way, shape or form you can!). And I want to make sure everyone listens to Charles Wilson (same one who’s participating in Laura’s podcast) on George Floyd and the Struggle for Equality which he played live as the finale of the OM-finale, and man… that was a m a z i n g to witness:
It’s been an honor to be a part of this workshop as well as these Open Mic-sessions!
(But how can I stop here? When I haven’t said a word about Kathy Karn or Jim Grady, not to mention Amanda–whom I have mentioned about before though!– or Jennifer or Sue or…
Make me stop!
But how can I?)
Thank you for this amazing recap of our group Songbird.
Helena, I’ve never taken a workshop before in my life. This one was just so fabulous. It has been such a pleasure to be part of a community of such talented people. I too, am a changed person. Many many interactions with fellow cohorts have molded and shaped by thinking.
You, in particular, hold this radiating power of connection and presence. I’ve noticed how you truly engage with everyone and shine light on positivity.
Thanks, dear friend and I hope to keep listening to you here.
It’s like you are leaving creative bubbles for us to catch or to blow or to just get amazed by.
YES! There’s so much to be amazed by!!