“A world will come over you, the happiness, the wealth, the inconceivable greatness of a world. Live for a while in these books, learn from them what seem to you worth learning, but above all love them.”
I do. Love them, that is.
I love books. Love reading.
My mother tells me, that once I learned how to read in first grade, I wouldn’t stop.
That was the start of a life-long (or so I believe) love for books and reading, that has only ever had one temporary lull, when me and my then soon-to-be husband first met. That whirlwind romance had me so up in the air, I was not grounded enough to pick up a book. So I didn’t, at all, for the better part of a year.
What I’m reading has change a lot over the years, and also how I read, actually.
I do have a tendency to have multiple books going at the same time, and that’s a tendency that’s growing stronger again, after a less intense period.
I no longer feel the need to finish each and every book I pick up – and that has certainly made my relationship to reading much more enjoyable, infused with a greater sense of fun.
I’ve more or less completely stopped to read any type of crime novels, suspence thrillers and the likes. Don’t want to fill my inside with the horrors of what mankind is capable of doing to our fellow human beings.
I’ve started reading a lot more non-fiction than ever before, a lot of psychologically and spiritually exploring books.
But I still do love me a great science fantasy-series. And many are the books for young adults that I find immence pleasure in diving deep into.
And. Perhaps more so now than ever before, I am learning from them what seem to me worth learning. This is something I am concious of today, whereas for most of my reading years, I’ve not put as much of the spotlight onto that aspect of reading books. Now I do. This #blogg100-series on snippets of gold found in books is most definitely a direct consequence of this aspect of reading: these blog posts are all a tribute to what I’ve found that seems worth learning, for me. And you?
#Blogg100 challenge in 2017 – post number 34 of 100.
The book “Letters to a Young Poet” by Rainer Maria RIlke.
English posts here, Swedish at herothecoach.com.