At home.
Not going in to work.
Not headed to Bornholm for the weekend course I signed up for around Christmas time. I canceled my attendance before the course got canceled on account of almost everyone canceling their attendance as well.
That’s positive.
People are thinking and taking preventative action, avoiding unnecessary meetings and events, minimizing the risk of spreading and/or catching the Coronavirus.
I haven’t seen the negative effects of this, yet. Understand there are people hoarding so much for themselves that others will go without. But I have seen the opposite, the positive effects. People volunteering their help with grocery shopping or cooking, to help those in high-risk categories. People not involved in fear-mongering, but rather the opposite, being factual and emphatic at the same time, willing us all to stay calm and caring. Of self. Of others.
Not going in to work does not mean I cannot work.
I can. Luckily.
However. Hand on heart… Have not mustered the energy to go at work in full swing. Not yet. Giving myself room to take it a bit slower, to rest more, sleep until I wake up, have a slow morning reading in bed, letting the re-calibration work it’s way into me, in the back of my mind letting the insight from my prioritization-exercise percolate. Curious to see what will come out of it. How I will protect this new space (as I was asked by a fellow TCW-attendee) of insight and a world slowed down.
Vilken vacker bild på dig. Det låter underbart att ta sig tid att sakta ner och reflektera. <3
Jag tänker att en av konsekvenserna av en pandemi är faktsikt möjlighet till att sakta ner lite, och ge sig tid att vara och reflektera.
Känner också behovet av att sakta ner. Och tänker att vi behöver det. Alla?!
Bornholm lär ju finnas kvar, så … klokt beslut! Och mysig bild!