I see how others write, and I go Oh, I’d like to be able to write like that.
But then I realize, I write the way I write. And I’ve found a flow in my language that I enjoy and like. So… it’s more a matter of enjoying the writing of others, and possibly be inspired by it.

I see how others draw, and I go Oh, I’d like to be able to draw like that.
But then I realize, I draw the way I draw. And I’ve found a flow in my doodling (more than anything) that I enjoy and like. So… it’s more a matter of enjoying the drawings of others, and possibly be inspired by it.
I see how others take photographs, and I go Oh, I’d like to be able to take photographs like that.
But then I realize, I take photographs the way I take photographs. And I’ve found a flow in my photography that I enjoy and like. So… it’s more a matter of enjoying the photography of others, and possibly be inspired by it.
I see how others make music, and I go Oh, I’d like to be able to make music like that.
But then I realize, I don’t necessarily make music if by making music I mean to compose. But I make music, in the way that I sing, play the guitar, and dance (isn’t that a way of making music as well?). And I’ve found a flow in how I sing and play and dance that I enjoy and like. So… it’s more a matter of enjoying the music-making of others, and possibly be inspired by it.
I see how others respond to being tagged, or how generously they comment on the posts of others when stumbling upon them, and I go Oh. Why haven’t I thought of that? That’s something I could easily do, myself.
And then I realize, that’s the beauty of a community such as The Creative’s Workshop. I can be inspired by all these wonderful creators, in any way, shape or form that I like, without ever having to belittle myself or beat myself up for not having thought of something first. I can simply bear witness and try things on, see if it’s a fit, see how I can comment more generously, connect more graciously, create more humbly.
Ja, att jämföra sig med andra kan bli till en demon. Samtidigt kan en bli inspirerad av andra, och kanske stjäla lite av deras uttryck… på ett snyggt sätt.
Jag minns en gång för drygt 30 år sedan. Jag läste Marianne Fredrikssons “Den som vandrar om natten”. Jag blev helt betagen av sättet den var skriven på, ordens flöde, berättelsen. Och jag började gråta. Jag tänkte: Så bra kan jag aldrig skriva.
När jag läste om dem för några år sedan, var boken fortfarande bra, men jag blev inte nedslagen, kunde bara njuta av berättelsen och språket jag fortfarande tyckte var vackert. <3
Håller sååå mycket med: att bli inspirerad är fenomenalt! Och att hitta tryggheten i att mitt sätt också är ett sätt som är bra.
Härliga tankar. Och yay för att dansa är att skapa musik!