Working from home.
That’s what I had on my agenda today.
Turns out.
I would not be working from home today.
Instead… I slept until nine thiiiirty.
Finished reading All the light you cannot see (just read it. It’s that good.).
Checked Social Media.
Said Yes to join the next-door neighbor for a PoGo-raid at the playground down the street, so quickly did my daily Seven and then didn’t have time to get dressed so walked barefoot, with uncombed hair in my bathrobe and managed to snag a Landorus.
Got dressed. Had breakfast, or lunch, more like it?
Handed over receipts and invoices to my Jenny who came over, having a sit-down for half an hour or so, to catch up.
By now it’s 1 pm. This is when I truly decided that No, I will not be doing any work today.
So instead, I went for a barefoot walk.
Returned All the light you cannot see to the library (just read it. It’s THAT good.).
Went home and sat in the garden for the rest of the Buddhas by the roadside-episode that accompanied me on my walk.
Went inside. Laid down on my bed, keeping Pop company, read a few pages on another book, talked a bit to Alma, read some more. Did my Wim Hof deep-breathing exercise.
Went bike-riding while Alma went to buy Indian take away… which turned into a falafel instead. Ganesha closed on account of Corona. Bummer.
Time-coded the uncut episode of Buddhas by the roadside from the 7th of April, while writing a daily for The Creative’s Workshop.
And now… blog post published, will finish watching an episode of The English Game on Netflix, play a tune or two on my guitar, and then, head off to bed.
Tomorrow is another day! And tomorrow, I will be working. At least some…
It seems like a total YES-day to me. My heart warmed up by reading about your day. I took a long walk, saw som blåsippor and talked to family.
Lovely to just follow the flow….. I love to just listen to what my body and mind urges me to do.
It seems that the book is THAT good so I have to check it up!
Ha ha ha, blir helt lycklig av att läsa det här. Så mycket YES! till dig själv. Till livet. Tack för att du delar med dig av din sköna inställning!
Ja. Det är ju precis det som “det blev”. Dansen mellan Ja och Nej är en spännande en, som ständigt ger mig nya insikter!