After circa 1500 blog posts, I know without a shadow of a doubt, that my life has changed, for the better, thanks to the writing I have been doing these past 3,5 years. I have, on record, the path I have been walking in life since August 2012. I can see how my thoughts, beliefs and attitudes have expanded with me. As I grow, so do the writings.
I rejoice in revisiting old posts, as I can see the progression. What I thought before, might not fit with my current understanding of the world. And then again, sometimes it’s still a perfect fit. To see how thoughts are expanded, how a line of reasoning matures, over time, as I revisit a subject time and time again. And best of all: to take pleasure in it. I don’t judge myself for what I used to think, for what I penned before. What ever I wrote, that’s where I was at the time. Like a moment in time, preserved in words, and images, something to look back at and enjoy. Savor. However far I might have traveled mentally, emotionally, in understanding, from that specific point, I hold myself gently, in remembrance. That is where I once was. Now. I am here.

Blogging is my way of journaling. For sure. I’ve never really managed to keep a diary or to do daily journaling, ever. But blogging is a format that works for me, once I got into the habit of daily blogging (thanks to #blogg100). And I think it has one up on a journal actually. Every month I revisit my old posts from that month, in the archives of my blog. What did I write about on March 9th 2013? 2014? 2015? The few times I have managed to keep a journal, well. Let’s just say, I’ve never ever revisited what I wrote in a journal at an earlier date. Never. So the blog definitely has that advantage, for me.
Besides the fact that this monthly walk down Memory Lane gives me the joy of seeing how my thoughts and my skills as a writer develops, it has also made me aware of the fact that a lot of my old posts are as valid today as the day they were published. The majority of them have aged with grace (except perhaps those from March 9th these past years…). They are as relevant today, as when they were top of mind a year or two or three ago. And that’s interesting to me. It tells me that the subjects that occupy my mind, to a large extent are timeless. In some sense, it centers around what it is to be and to become, human. Perhaps even, how to become a good human?
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