You bring the world into being, he said, D, my Buddha-friend. You bring the world into being.

He wasn’t addressing me, nor my other Buddha-friend C. But rather, at least that’s what I picked up, that I/you/we, bring the world into being.
The world is on account of my consciousness. On yours. On ours.

Even though we were in the middle of another pod-recording of Buddhas by the roadside, I took up my phone and wrote down you bring the world into being in my to-do-app, simply because it was the quickest way I could jot it down. As I did not want to forget.

Hearing this –you bring the world into being– I exhale. Relax.
(Then scramble for my phone to write it down, before getting back to the relaxed sensation again.)

This is why when the being infuses the doing, there’s magic.
Because I bring the world into being.

But I am curious.
What do you hear when you hear you bring the world into being?

#tankespjärn, for those who wish to discover. More. Other. New.