I listen to Caspian in #teachingoftheday number 53: What do you want to gift to the world?

#teachingoftheday on gifting, and on creating things that matter to you. I think we need to rethink our concept of gifts, just as we need to adjust our expectations of the receivers of gifts.

I listen. And agree. Perhaps not so surprising, as I gifted him (twice!) It’s you turn by Seth Godin, (a book I in turn have been gifted by Seth himself!) that gave him these thoughts. I am onboard, completely, having thought a lot about that which I gift to the world.

But. When Caspian differentiates between gifts and presents (from 5:20 onwards), my mind started to spin.

He says Of course there is a difference between gifts and presents, I am aware of that.

And immediately my mind went Really? Is there? Isn’t a gift a present? Isn’t a present a gift? Is there an obvious difference between these two words? 

This fascinates me; how all of a sudden my mind opened to seeing a connection (or perhaps a dissonance?) that I’ve never picked up on before. The words gift and present are words I’ve used hundreds or thousands of times. And I have never ever put them next to each other, comparing them, in a sense I’ve never really looked at them. It’s as if I right now, am tasting these two words for the very first time.