Podclub coming up. Making/Creating is the theme.
Seth Godin, Milton Glaser, and then… not a pod at all, but a short clip on YouTube of Arvo Pärt giving a commencement speech. Sitting on the bus early in the morning, I press play, and then…
Have you thanked God for this failure already?
God bumps and tears in my eyes.
Absolutely captivated.
The most sensitive musical instrument is the human soul. The next is the human voice.
One must purify the soul until it begins to sound.
These words.
But more than that… the way he says it…
Riveted, I shiver, from the power, the passion, the heartfelt and intense sincerity.
God knits man in his mother’s womb, slowly and wisely.
Art should be born in a similar way.
The video ends and my bus reaches its final destination.
I gather my things, wrap my coat around me and step – newborn – off the bus. Onto the ground.
Feeling vulnerable.
Hello world. Please.
Be gentle. Embrace me. Gently.
That’s what I need. Want.
The criterion must be, everywhere and only, humility.
To stop and thank “God” or higher powers are good. Finding gratitude to all of life’s events.
Jag älskar “The most sensitive musical instrument is the human soul. The next is the human voice.
One must purify the soul until it begins to sound.” Läser det högt för mig själv flera gånger. Så vackert. Wow. De orden vill jag dela. <3
Ja. Ja! Precis.
Tänk vad mycket som kan hända på en busstur! Fint beskrivet det här. Och att vara sårbar … visst är det också att vara öppen för utveckling? Våga vara i det obekväma.
Oh ja!!
Jag fick till mig något häromdagen, att det för mig är nära kopplat, just sårbarhet och visdom. Som jag tänker är ett av resultaten som öppenhet för utveckling leder till!
Seeing the human soul as an instrument is interesting. The important thing is to dare to listen to the sound it gives. Then it would probably end fatigue syndrome.
Yes! That’s a very valid point. If more of us did listen, the world would surely look differently.