Radical Honesty.
Means what?
That I say everything that’s on my mind?
No. That doesn’t sit right with me.
That everything I say I genuinely, honestly stand by, experiencing it as my truth?
Yeah, more like that. Except, I want and need to be able to talk even when I am not certain of what I am saying, where I am talking while simultaneously trying things–words–sentences–beliefs–concepts on for size. Not knowing–yet–if they might become ‘future truths of mine’ or are simply stepping stones on the path ahead.
That nothing I say is said as a deliberate lie (white or otherwise)?
Mmm. That one is interesting.
When do I lie? And for whom do I lie? For my own sake–not ready to stand by what I actually believe?–or for the person I am lying to–not honoring him/her/they, not believing them fit to hear the ‘truth’, i.e. what I actually believe? Similar to excuses, which I often come up with for my own sake. A way to justify my behaviour, to please my inner judge atop his high horses.
What if I were to stay true for a day, two, three, a week?
Telling no fibs, but not necessarily saying everything on my mind.
Using my discernment, but taking the option to lie off the table.
What might happen then?
I like this text. But I also belong to that crowd of ppl that really belives that without a little bit of lies we all end up in some kind of war. I also think the important point in your text is ” not necessarily saying everything on my mind.”. So is that a lie? Always not telling. No. I’m convinced that most of us cant stand a ”true-teller” sanningssägare, everybody hates them in the end of the dag.
But I do think and practice not to lie for the sake of lieying Inte ljuga ogenomtänkt eller för ljugandet skull But the little white lies, makes the world go smoother. For most of us.
I am with you. Or at least have been. Until I listened to Elizabeth Gilber speak of Martha Beck who apparently did go down the route of ‘tell no fibs. At all.’. But you are right in that most of her friends and family ‘divorced her’ in the process… 😳
And it is an interesting tankespjärn, the one if I don’t say everything, am I lying then? Or not?
I’d venture not. In some cases at least. In others… might be a situation-based judgment call whether it IS a lie or not, to refrain from saying what’s on my mind?