When I first met Inga-Lill, now a close friend of mine, I heard her say Make a great day. It made me aware of the difference between Have and Make. Have a great day, is more passive, where as Make a great day, is active, and gives me power forward. It makes me more aware of my own power to create my day, to act with intention, and to take my responsibility to ensure my day is great.

The difference is in the words… or rather, in the meaning I put on them. The difference, for me, between have and make, might not be the same for you.

I got a comment on my daily Facebook Live where I spoke about this (in Swedish). The gist of it: it’s nice to be able to move between having and making. Sometimes, to lean back and wait for the day to unfold, seeing what it will offer. Other times, to more actively create one’s day.

And I totally agree! Sometimes I don’t want to make my day, just letting myself have it. But I don’t want to presume what others might want or need, so generally, I do go for Make when I greet people or bid them farewell. A Make a great day! also tends to jolt people out of their habitual state of not-being-fully-present. Make a great day is still uncommon enough, that most have never heard it. Had I said Have a great day! I am sure many would not have given it a second thought. But when I say Make a great day! I know from experience and the response it generates, that most people do give it a second thought. And that short pause – of truly noticing what was said – might be the difference that makes a difference to ensure that is a day made great.

Advent Calendar 2018 – number 18 of 24 – on the theme of being gentle.