”Call results, ’results’,
without labeling one as success
and another as failure
and your children will learn freedom from fear.”

And n o t only when it comes to what your children are doing/producing. No. For all of it. For all of what y o u yourself are doing/producing.

ResultsAll your results, are r e s u l t s. Results are facts.
This happened. That did not happen.

What happened, or did not happen, is not ‘success’. It is not ‘failure’.
Those are opinions. Your opinions on the fact, i.e. the ‘result’.

And when you treat your own results this way, your children, employees, siblings, friends and coworkers, will all have an opportunity to learn something, for themselves. Learn how not to hinder and hamper their own progress, their own desire and drive to try things out, to experiment, to learn and allow themselves the frustration and amazement at being a total newbie, by calling their results, ‘results’. Because that’s what you do. This is how we can be role models for those around us. By being it. Full out. Fearless.

And honestly – you will be in the minority.
Just look around you – how many do you know, that call results ‘results’?

Inspired to continue blogging on the theme from the #blogg100-challenge in 2017 I give you:
The book “The parents Tao Te Ching” by William Martin.