“[…] getting closer to authentic expression, deeper into the music. Away from the ego, into the soul. Finding balance between the chaos of feelings and the dictates of the intellect. Disappearing somewhere between these two states, and growing from that place through the music.”

At the No Mind-festival in Ängsbacka the summer of 2018, I attended a workshop with Githa Ben-David on the note from heaven, and was enthralled. A roomful of people all singing on Aaarh, to their inner note from heaven (or at least aiming for it), for half an hour, that was energizing, let me tell you!

“That which touches the heart is never boring.
We come up against the same truth again and again. It is the essence that is important, not the story itself.”

Then I found out she’s married to Lars Muhl of The O Manuscript, this magnificent book-reading experience of mine, and was even more curious. So I bought her book: The note from heaven, by Githa Ben-David.

“When your light shines, you activate the light in others, and help them to remember that they are complete beings.

Anybody can shine! It is a matter of choice. If you wish to set your light free, then you need to unfold your wings. Let the wind carry you, and be prepared to land on both feet so you can fulfil your destiny on earth.”

I tried explaining to a few friends what The note from heaven is all about… and failed. I couldn’t find the words to explain or convey what this is all about. In short, it centers on the fact that everything is vibrations, truly e v e r y t h i n g. This means that with vibrations we can start to resonate, and dislodge, free, liberate, old memories and traumas, that stop us from shining our light into the world, shining fully as that which we are.

And this resonates enormously with me. It’s synchronicity in the making for me, as I stumble upon shine over and over again. It comes up, in conversations, in comments, in my dreams and the words I write and speak.

“When you find a form of expression that brings you joy, you will naturally wish to share it with other people This is a spiritual law: joy is like fire. When you pass it on and it is accepted, it spreads.”

Instead of trying to give this book the credit it deserves (besides the content and the essence of the story: The language. It is beautifully written!) when I fumble for words, I let the quotes speak for themselves. If they resonate with you, and you get curious about sound-healing, pick up the book!

“Open your arms so that you can contain as much light as possible. Receive everything that is given to you. The more you shine, the better you can serve the all. Pure energy flows like water, catches fire, spreads like love. It must be passed on. If you push it away, you lose it. If you hold on to it, it will be taken from you.” 

Shine on, you crazy diamond! Shine on.
And I, I will shine on right beside you.

The book I am blogging about is part of the book-reading challenge I’ve set for myself during 2019, to read and blog about 12 Swedish and 12 English books, one every other week, books that I already own.