The bottom line: Ask an expert. Absolutely! But ask a non-expert too.
The combination will likely give you greater insight into whatever issue you are diving.

If (honestly: When) I have a problem, something to sort through, get to the bottom of, and generally, come to terms with, likelihood is that I will seek expert advice. Find out who knows about the issues I am facing, and reach out to them. This makes perfect sense, and in no way am I discrediting the importance and value of expertise.

Experts can give you great input on how things are done, in accordance with laws and regulations, pointing to best practices and possibly emerging next practices as well. However, what the experts (likely) cannot give you, is what lies beyond the scope of their expertise, how things could be done.

If you have a logistics problem, asking a professor of logistics will certainly give you all you wanna know about logistics, from within the field of logistics. But if you want to go broader, outside that field, find somebody of a completely different expertise, say a daycare-worker, a hairdresser or a cashier, to ask. They will be able to ask questions as well as come up with ideas an expert will not, because the expert know too well what things are supposed to be like.

So at least, if (… yeah, yeah, yeah, when) you have a problem, go for both. Find an expert, surely, but also, ask a non-expert. If nothing else, this strategy is bound to provide you with more tankespjärn.